Wednesday, March 29, 2006


met peng today, havent seen her since new year's.
went to fish and co. at glasshouse with her, kel and vinnie and we had a very filling dinner.
lots and lots of calamari - yum yum.

after that, we walked over to somerset where we were deciding between rouge, alley bar and balcony. ended up at balcony which kinda sucked cos it was open air and the seats had no back support. peng left early so it was once again, us 3.. sitting on the high chairs and looking at cars drive past and a couple make out. cant really rmb anything else except being really thirsty.

anyways, took a few pictures of our drinks!

mango marguerita

mint chocolate martini - which kinda looked like shit water

martini dry

so my phototaking skills aint the best. but i couldnt see what i was taking so the pictures actually turned out pretty good hahas

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