Tuesday, October 02, 2007

go back to your country brown cow.

seriously, fuck you asshole.
being older doesn't give you the authority to overwrite what i say.
the reason you're a year 3 stuck doing a year 1 course is because u suck.
so why still bother taking authority over the project?
i for one am certainly NOT impressed by your method of getting your work done.
the slides look fucking unprofessional.
if tonight's presentation is fucked up, its all your fault, you piece of shit. and i do mean it literally.
fucking hell. go back to your country and plant vegetables la.
i seriously hope u die.
and for the next project, pls dont try to take charge anymore. i'm hoping to get an A for this module and i'm not letting -think-i-know-it-all ruin my chances for me.
seriously dude, kill yourself. you're a waste of space in society.

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