Saturday, April 23, 2005

my dad has the same berthday as marion. now thats erm... interesting.

and can anyone be so nice as to get me a sims 2? prease? i'l love u to death. or it can be an advance berthday present. i dont mind. :)

Friday, April 22, 2005

spent a 100 bucks today on sneakers and a haircut. im a happy happy girl. showed the parents my hair. dad thought i went to dye my hair and mum was surprised to see my hair so curly. now i know how to blowdry my hair to look as if i had a ceramic perm. BUT, according to yingrong, my hair looks like some dog mane. hahas nvm. im happy with my hair tho its just trimming and thinning. oh wells, what can i say, im easily satisfied. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

i got my pay. Its a measly 683 dollars. like what the hell, its so little. like what can i buy? and i still have to pay off my bad debts hahas :(
Salut, Bonsoir!
Je m'apelle stefanie.

french was fun and funny. cant wait to learn more french next week. yay! and the french alphabet song is hilarious.

A ah B bay C say D dey E er F ef G jay H ush I ee J gee K kar L al M em N an O oh P pay Q kew R air S ass T teh U yu V ve W doblah ve X yiks Y eegrek Z zee. Je connaismon ABC, Je sais parles en francais

and i think i need a french name. dont wanna use the french version of stefanie cos its prounced as stay-fah-ni. so im gonna get a french name like gabrielle or smth. hahas this is so fun. tara's name in french is pronounced as ta-ha. hahas k gotta go bathe.

Bonne journee! Je t'aime tara bebe!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

so i got home today, still fucking pissed with the immature pricks at work and my dad comes and tell me that one of his workers died today when one of the poles dropped on the worker's head. if im not wrong, the poor guy died instantly. i think daddy's feeling awful right now. think my dad's feeling guilty for not being careful enough to ensure his workers' safety and that the poor guy is only 25 years old. hes a bangla. its sad la, all these banglas come all the way frm bangla and then because of some accident, they die. damn sad la. daddy said the damage was so bad, the guy's face was all cracked and you could barely see his nose. oh my. sigh. poor bangla. poor daddy. life's a bitch.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

im in no mood for work. i dotn feel like going to work.. I JUST WANNA LAZE AROUND!
not in the mood to see the 3 stuck-up sluts, puffy cheeks boi and no balls boi. fuck fuck fuck.
and to top it off, my stomach hurts. i need to go to the loo.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

the results came out at 12 am instead of 6. so screwed up la. anyways, i got 3As, a distinction and 2C+s. fucked econs and internet. i studied the most for econs and this is the kinda fucked up result i get for econs. Its so not worth it. I just suck at econs la.

Hahaas and the best part was i slacked thru study week. lucky i had tara my angel to come study with me. tara, you're an angel!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

weee. im happy happy happy!
got into the same class as many as 2 handfuls of my previous class pple. yay! maybe cos we all chose the same course. hahas yay yay yay! bm0425
crap, woke up this morn with a bad dream.
Dreamt that i had gotten two h's for my exams - in my dream, it means a fail. like damn, i was sad. not because i failed but because i had to waste another half a year in that god damn sch and lets just say, it aint a good feeling.
The thought of wasting half a year of my life away in that sch is smth i pray that will never happen.
speaking of which, the results are coming out tmr at 6am. Bloody scrwed up, i say. could this be a sign? am i gonna fail my exams? hahas

Sunday, April 03, 2005

surprise surprise. i can transfer songs from my comp to my ipod without the USB 2.0 port. but fuck, all the songs i got frm sam's comp got deleted. ah, betta go transfer it over next sat.

edited two minutes later:
forgot to mention that my dad finally bought a new car, honda civic. bet he's still sad that he didnt get his toyota wish.
oh, so blogger didnt eat up my post. hahas my bad :)
fuck!! like blogger just ate up my post! i dont mean for every single post to be filled with at least one vulgarity but having blogger swallow up my post isnt exactly the thing i will be pleased about.

anyways, as i was saying, my ipod is finally working. Yay! - very summarized version of previous post

tara: yes! i got my ipod! u came back frm ya holiday yet or are u still overseas? im so jealous la!
kelly: awww. i lub chiu too!
phwooar. the ipod is finally working. went to sam's house and transferred the songs all by myself.
i dont feel like working already. can i give up? work is boring. i prefer staying at home. then again, work has its perks too. 10, yes TEN new guys came to work last weds. woo hoo. but sadly, not a single eye candy.

tara: yes! i got my ipod already! woo hoo! and are u on holiday now?!
kel: yes, kel! i lub chiu too! and don't cringe when i type kel instead of kelly. i rmb u said it feels weird being called kel hahas