Wednesday, December 28, 2005

happy christmas and merry new year

so my christmas was spent with the family and relatives and i gained 2 kilofuckingrams for the holiday season.

and oh yes, new year might be spent at MoS but im still reconsidering cos yours truly is feeling too fat to go anywhere to party.

how far can you go? - try this

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

second place.

advanced's on fri and i have yet to touch my book. i'll most probably fail.

and school is such a bore. i go to sch from 830-6 and there's nothing to do. unlike the rest, i slack like hell and freeze my sorry ass in the room. tara and charlene keep telling me how fun DMSM is and it makes me super sad and ultra pissed that i didnt get in. so good for them la. they got common topics to talk about, i have none. then i start feeling lonely but its most probably just a slight depression thing.

i have no idea what im talking about and i dont give a rat's ass.

Monday, December 19, 2005


nine weeks ago i didnt think i could survive 26 weeks in sch from 830-6
but fast forward 10 weeks later and now ive survived one stopover and im onto my next super slack stopover.

over to less boring things, i painted my nails green.. for kweesmas! em and kel's choir friends think my nails look fake.

oh and im taking my advanced on fri. pretty confident that i would not be passing considering how boring the book is and the no. of pple who didnt pass their advanced on the 1st try. oh sigh, i hope i can get my driver's license by april then i can try taking a motorcycle license

Friday, December 09, 2005


helloes! im back. back but very sick at the same time.

sometimes i wonder if u treat me as a good friend or just an ordinary friend. u know how i hate pple to keep secrets from me. but if u can tell everyone about your little secret, why cant u tell me. afterall, it was because of me that u had this little secret. im so disappointed .. and to think i call u a good friend.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

the one where i thought i couldnt pass on the first try

yea babe. i passed my basic! weeee! was in and out of that place in 15mins.
then went on to book a date for my advanced - 23dec 8pm. better pray i pass.. i want to pass
both my theory tests by this year. and oh yes, i think i'll sign up for PDL next week when i come back from genting.

onto other matters, fuck school la. seriously. i didnt ask to be attached outside. and its not my fault that im going on my holidays whether you like it or not, ive paid for the trip how can i not go just cos my supervisor doesnt allow me to. Fucking rigid system la.

i can predict with my eyes close that i'll get a bloody low grade for this stopover and hahas im going to not do my project today. SHALL JUST LEAVE IT TILL TMR. hahas

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the one where i cant pass on the first try

thats it.

im not going to pass my basic on my first try.
prease dont let me be like ying rong hahahs

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

the downs of growing up

i have a pimple in my left ear!
poke poke poke!

its so uncomfortable.

oh, time for manicure! shd i paint it green, purple or blue?

Friday, November 25, 2005

why the service line isn't my cup of tea

the service line is so NOT my cup of tea. the reason is as simple as this, i hate to serve but i love to be served. i have no patience to hear my customers go on and on about when they can take leave for their holiday or when they want me to check the available dates in the month just to get them 2 seats on the plane.. like fuck off already. its not easy to go thru every single date just to find you a seat so just dont go on holiday. if you're not fated to go, you're not fated to go.

it fucking sucks when you're working at the call centre for a tour agency. like knowing what package the agency offers is alot of memory work already and these unreasonable pple expect you to be their map, their hotel critic, their geology expert, their weather forecast, their thermometer and A CALENDER.

speaking of calenders, theres a bloody fucked up screwed up whore of a bitch lady who wanted to complain about my bad service. and what bad service, you might ask.. BECAUSE I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ARE THE DATES FOR THE FUCKING PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN 2006.
what the fuck woman. go to hell. i hope you die and rot. i hope your vagina rots itself to death. i bet you are a fugly bitch with a dick for a nose.

if i wasnt on attachment, i would have fucking quit on the spot and scolded you there and then you mother fucking asswipe. die bitch die!

and another fucking unreasonable person i got was this man who scolded me for sounding dead.
vagina face man: "why do you sound so dead?"
me: "huh?"
vagina face man: "why do you sound so disinterested? get another colleague to serve me?"
-fucking pissed but still trying to be nice so i put on a more cheerful voice-
me: "is this better, sir?"
vagina face man: "you better be better"

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. im still fucking pissed. why the fuck do i have to put up with such trash when i only get paid 8 fucking dollars a day. I HATE MY JOB.

the service industry sucks. im not cut out to serve pple. at least when pple serve me, im nice. not like these unreasonable asswipes that i get. oh i so wanna rip off her boobs and his balls. i wanna rip off his dick and feed it to the vultures.

you fucking shitheads, i hope you die a horrible death.

Monday, November 21, 2005

nu skin.

school is redundant.
i have so much free time, i went to change my blogskin.

charlene and i are going jogging today.. we need to lose the fats.

give us till march. lets see how much we can lose.

i need a major makeover. im sick of the way i look.

before i pull this trigger.

there's alot of things i want to say but i shall not for i might be accused of being politically incorrect.

call me jealous, i am.
say i hate you, i do.

you have no idea how much i hate you

Sunday, November 20, 2005

just a matter of time

im on the verge of breaking down. its just a matter of time.

the drug called depression

it starts to suck when the depression kicks in

Saturday, November 19, 2005

goblet of fire

lets just say that goblet of fire wasnt up to expectations. period.

and i forgot to bring my book back to practice for my lectoring. damn, im screwed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

high on sugar

got high today when i found out i had no seats for sneaks to goblet of fire.

so it became and evening of whining, laughing and walking aimlessly in causeway point with tara.

went around looking for sweet, chocolatey and cold things to eat and all i got was the 50 cents ice cream from kfc

hahas i cant really rmb the details, what i do rmb is the TOOT boy from kfc hahas he's like so funny in a TOOT way. AND HE LOOKS LIKE A MIX BETWEEN KIM AND SAM'S FRIEND, ADRIAN hahas

did i mention that i couldnt walk properly and that i drop tara's ice cream cos i was too high to hold anything properly. i bet i was the only idiot there who was high hahas and tara was the kind soul who kept me entertained hahas

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

harry potter quiz

cant wait for goblet of fire!
- try this!

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

im still at tara's place, waiting for the family to come pick me up. Better pray that they buy me smth nice from genting like a puma handbag or smth.

oh yes, i watched just like heaven today. its not too bad, normal chick flick.

Monday - watched exorcism of emily rose
in the words of ron weasley, "BLOODY HELL" is the word or words. couldnt sleep for nuts la. i woke up in the early morning and got too scared to go back to sleep. i kept having flashbacks of the stupid 1!2!3!4!5!6! scene at the barn and the thing about 3am being the most demonic hour blah blah.

i think im such a coward hahas

Monday, November 14, 2005

i think.

i think.
i think the way i blog sucks.
i think i should just delete my blog.
i think i should just keep a log book like my uncle.

he uses his log book to keep track of the meals he ate so in case he gets diahorrea he can check his log book to find out which food caused his diahorrea. hahas how strange

days without the family

im in school now.
my tummy hurts.
i had my nails manicured in.. DARK GREY.
i got a skirt from forever 21.
i stayed over at tara's place yesterday.
im staying over at tara's place today.
we're gonna watch exorcism of emily rose tonight.
im sleepy.
im jealous that im stuck in singapore when the rest of the family is having fun in genting.
my tummy doesnt hurt anymore.
but i'll pretend it still hurts so i can laze around and NOT make calls.
i cant wait for harry potter this thursday.
i cant wait for t2 to finish their As so we can go out.
i hate that i still have another 1 yr plus in poly.
i hope the parents buy me something nice from genting which i highly doubt so.
im still sleepy.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

i need.

i need more clothes.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

oh wee. finally 18.
went to rent saw today. its m18! hahas

and oh yes, another item off the wishlist - fcuk top.
thank you ying rou rong and her plus one, shaun tan shaw eu hahas

Saturday, October 29, 2005

yay. i can strike off true star from my wishlist.

huge thank yoos to the three musketeers from the brotherhood - darren, jun and kok.
i like, love, loathe you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

im so sick of the usual berthday buffet dinner at my place.
its so blah.
next year, private room at equinox. wee!

Friday, October 21, 2005


fcuk/abercrombie/hollister tops
nike dunks
lava lamp
make up box (em and kel's getting that for me)
chanel loose powder
tommy hilfiger's true star
issey miyake's summer fragrance

Sunday, October 16, 2005

2 more weeks to the berth day!


usual buffet party at my place on the actual day, sunday at 6 pm. call me for details

oh and, wishlist will be out soon! hahas

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

its been a month and a day since my grandpa passed away on september 11.

i love you, gong.


Monday, August 15, 2005

im so tired and sleepy.
just got back from visiting me grandpa.. also affectionately known as kong/gong.

ohya, ying rong and i are working at UOB centre on the 45th floor. the view is simply breath taking. you can see everything.. you can even see sentosa. the pay is 6 an hour, a slight improvement from the last job. i didnt know the people working at raffles place walk so fast, like really FAST. and its custom to book your seats with your tissue packet.

9am - 630pm.. i think i can handle that.

we - shaun, tara, ying rong, ying rong's 2 cousins and yours truly went to sentosa to play. it was kinda sucky cos it started raining at first so we went trigger happy and took loads of pictures. then the sun came out and we played frisbee and volleyball.

the evil ones then took me cycling which i so politely declined but was forced to do. so shaun and i took the double bicycle or whatever thats called and we cycled for an hour plus.. my ass was damn pain after that laaa. stupid shaun kept jumping on the seat hahas but it was fun though. i think i wanna go cycle again

after that, we went to the beach to play and took lots of stupid pictures and did lots of stupid things hahas

AND, im sunburned! its paaaaiiiiinnnnn. but i love the whole reddish glow too.. it makes me look healthy hahas

Thursday, August 11, 2005

oh fuck, im like damn tired. and im like only halfway through my 2nd chapter.. not even trying to memorise anything. everything just goes in and out.

screw laa. its almost midnight and i have 5 more chapters. its ALOT. fuck fuck fuck. think i'l just get a mc and take supp. damn shittified.
ONE more paper to go.
ONE very untouched paper.
ONE theory paper.
ONE paper that will rob me of my entire night's sleep.
ONE damn paper to pull through.

ONE deep breath, i can do it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

so i woke up this morning around 7 plus, damn pissed with my mum cos she forced me to go to church for NATIONAL DAY MASS. yes, national day mass. she deprived me of my sleep just to go for national day mass.

and screw laaa, 2 more papers left, both untouched.. and my bf model answers are with amanda AND im going down to the hospital later. im so scrwed. i hate it when its the exams, all i blog about is the exams.

i have a pathetic life.
rtm sucked balls today - couldnt remember my stuff for nuts. my mind went blank, i had a mental block. i thought i was the only one who thought that the paper was hard but thank god, everyone thought the paper was hard hahas.. lets all get D!

think im gonna go mug with sam at the hospital tmr since im going to visit my gong so might as well just make use of the time to mug for business finance and marketing management.

i think i can safely and very confidently say, im not going to do well this semester.


Monday, August 08, 2005

i LOVE my blogskin.
but people like tara and kok think it looks the same as the previous one. ITS NOT. just cos its a white b/g doesnt mean its the same.. ITS SIMILAR.

dont you think its nice?

at least sam thinks its nice hahas :))

Sunday, August 07, 2005

my thumb hurts like FUCK.
too many last min notes to write.. my right thumb feels as if its gonna drop off anytime, its that bad. my right hand feels sore. pray hard that i will be able to write tmr.. SHITTT!

im so not gonna do well for rtm. oh, crap. im getting too lazy.. i had the entire weekend to study but noooom, being the person i am, i choose to leave things till the very last min. only started mugging today at 3pm.. scccreeewww
why do people have to live?
why do people die?
why cant we control death?

i still cant get the concept of life and death. They always say death is nothing, we are just going to leave for a better place.. with God, in his paradise. But for me, its hard to let go. i dont think i'l be willing to let go if i were to die tmr. i guess death is a scary thing cos you know nothing about it.

the same reason why people are scared of the dark.. cos you never know whats in it or what ya in for.

will you be fine with the idea of dying tmr?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

im blogging again! 5th post for the day - thats a new record. i think im too free.. im supposed to be mugging but i spent the entire day watching one tree hill.

ohya, i think i suck at punctuation. i have no idea when or when not to put my commas and full stops hahas

ying rong is too hardworking for MY own good.


my thoughts are too random.

how can you judge me like you know me when i dont even know me.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing chocolatier
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, everybody give a cheer
He's modest, clever, and so smart, he barely can restrain it
With so much generosity, there is no way to contain it, to contain it, to contain.... to contain... to contain...
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, he's the one that you're about to meet
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, he's a genius who just can't be beat
The magician and the chocolate whiz
The best darn guy who ever lived
Willy Wonka, here he is!

i forgot i went to watch charlie and the chocolate factory with tara yesterday. i LOVE the chocolate factory but the movie's just an a-okay. johnnie depp was a little weird though. oh well, cant wait for corpse bride! yay

Everything in this room is eatable. In fact, I'm eatable. But that, my dear children, is called cannibalism which is in fact frowned upon in most societies. - willy wonka
Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about. - Lynn Johnston

i tend to blog more when i have a new skin
2 down, 3 more papers to go. gonna start studying soon.

ohya, we got addidas as our marketing exam case study. weee. how cool is that! .. compared to tiger balm
okay. finally changed my blogskin.
im still thinking of changing the pink font to red, but im too lazy.

i know its kind of a wrong time to be changing my blogskin considering that its 12 midnight and i havent slept since 7 in the morning.

AND, i know my blogskins look similar. i just cant find any nice ones. i lack the patience.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

hoho 1 plus day to my 1st exam and i have yet to touch a single book. weee! yay to me!

its been too long since i really studied. to think of it, i havent really studied properly in my entire life. im always distracted or not in the mood or just plain lazy. i see em and kel and then i see me.. and i compare.. its such a HUGE difference. i cant sit still for nuts. that is unless im watching tv or using the computer.

i have no self discipline whatsoever. hurrah!

Monday, August 01, 2005

im still sick! 3 more days to the exams and im still sick!

ive been a weak weak girl this year. the number of times ive visit the doc this month is enough for a year. im going to die laaa. my eyes got problem, my ears got problem, my nose got problem, my skin got problem, my lungs got problem, my heart got problem, my brain got problem.

im not gonna do well for my exams, seriously. 's been a bad semester. wasnt it like only march that i just took my semestral papers? and now its like what, august? and im taking another semester paper? this is totally scrwed up. so there goes the first sem of my 2nd year which i kind of scrwed up. bye bye to uni, bye bye to smu. hello miserable working life with measly pay.

my life officially sucks and my stomach hurts.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

's been a long time since ive blogged.

due to popular requests, im gonna update my blog hahas anyways, lotsa shows i wanna watch.. charlie and the chocolate factory, corpse bride, blah blah blah.

ohya, im damn happy! i was at sembawang music centre yesterday and i saw my childhood movie.. one of my FAVOURITE childhood movies, tom and jerry the movie! ayhhs. im a child at heart la hahas i love to watch cartoons. but i dont like the kind of cartoons they are showing on kids central now.. crap like noddy or whatever. call me old school or whatever.. i prefer DRAWN cartoons.

hai. my eyes are feeling itchy again. think i better go do smth about it. k.. nothing much to say now!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

this sucks. why are some people so hardworking while some are so lazy?
and why do i happen to fall under the lazy category?

i have so much free time on my hands but i prefer to just laze around instead of doing my project. i got 2 ict questions to do. but noooooo, i choose to leave it till tmr. i'l leave everything till tmr.

way to go, stef. slack all you want today. tmr will be project night. great, just great.

procrastination kills.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

two movies on thursday and friday would be 8.50 + 9.50 = 18.00
18 dollars is so not worth it for 2 shows when u can wait three months later and get both shows for slightly above 18 dollars.

but hey, i ain't complaining. cos war of the worlds and initial d was gooood.

was supposed to watch some crappy thai show called six. ten minutes into the movie, i chickened out. so tara and i hopped over to batman begins but we didnt understand a single thing cos we kinda like entered in the centre part of the show. so we hopped over again to war of the worlds where we missed the 1st 10 mins. war of the worlds would be damn good if not for the super trashy ending. and dakota fanning's acting is gooood. super talented.

went to newater to survey the place for my marketing project. the place is boring lahh. The only thing they can offer are their tour guides. so can anybody suggest ways to increase visitorship for newater?

after that, went to bugis with tara and charlene to watch initial d. the show's not bad. storyline aint that fantastic. but the eyecandy was woooooottttt.... HOOOOOTTTT. edison chen, shaun yue and jay chou... HOT.

jay chou looks much betta compared to before. but at certain angles he still doesnt look that nice. but nvm, i like him all the same. =)

so far, i only have 4 asian hotties on my list. can anyone offer more to add on?
1. edison chen
2. louis khoo
3. shaun yue
4. jay chou

dont mind the english. its hard to concentrate when you're multitasking.

Friday, June 17, 2005

this is sad.
i bet he deleted me frm his address book.
he claimed he didnt.
he asked me if i changed my number.

oh wells, a slight bit of heartache.
but life goes on.
no use pining over something that will never be mine.
whats past is past.

live with it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

helloes! guess its been quite a while since i last updated. anyways, the club crawl event is finally over! made some new friends like yong siang's friend, cindy. hahas and i got to know who yong siang likes! hahas

nothing much to update anyways except.. i think i like somebody..

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

argh. lotsa stuff i wanna get but ive got no cash. :(
i want the tom and jerry movie (1993)
i want one tree hill season 1 dvd
i want the oc season 1 dvd

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

its been 3 weeks since my last update. hahas who's counting?

sigh. im in school now. eric's playing and singing his chinese songs. hahas eew.

sigh. 1 and a half week more to my two weeks break. maybe i'l go over to malaysia and have tara bring us around JB. hahas

oh, great singapore sale and ive yet to buy anything. im broke lahh. It sucks to have no cash.

hahas my thoughts are always so random. i just type whatever that comes to my mind.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

im supposed to be doing my project. But, im not.
im tired.
im sleepy.
im sick.
im loney.
im ignored.
i hate my life.
nobody loves me.

Monday, May 09, 2005

to anonymous,
i'm not really sure what ive done to make u mad. But deleting your post was not to be in control or whatever. And yes, i havent been exactly friendly and i dont mince the words i say on my blog. I appreciate your comments but please dont come out of the blue and start lecturing me. I apologise if i offended you or the other people.

Friday, May 06, 2005

i think im addicted to Esteler 77's fried chicken rice thing. its nice :) yum yum.

went with charlene and ying rong to eat today. charlene left aft lunch and ying rong accompanied me to watch House of wax cos chad michael murray was in it.

OH MY LORD. i hate it when my hands are over my eyes about 70% of the time. House of wax is absolutely gory and sick and psychotic and what not. Hahas ying rong was so grossed out. i was kinda grossed out too. all the finger cutting, head cutting, stabbing... eew. its just so sick! House of wax has no storyline at all. i think i give it 2 of out of 5 nachos. One more because my chad michael murray is in it. Though he isn't looking very hot and that he's already married to sophie bush. :(

And one thing, i hate it when people start screaming their heads off during a horror movie just for the thrill of it. I could have sworn we were sitting next to this group of phillipino trannies (transvetites). Although they sound female, they still look more male than female. Fuck, i hate them. That stupid tranny next to ying rong kept screaming for the sake of screaming. Noisy bitch.

k. got nothing much to say. shall go watch my vcds, yay!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

my dad has the same berthday as marion. now thats erm... interesting.

and can anyone be so nice as to get me a sims 2? prease? i'l love u to death. or it can be an advance berthday present. i dont mind. :)

Friday, April 22, 2005

spent a 100 bucks today on sneakers and a haircut. im a happy happy girl. showed the parents my hair. dad thought i went to dye my hair and mum was surprised to see my hair so curly. now i know how to blowdry my hair to look as if i had a ceramic perm. BUT, according to yingrong, my hair looks like some dog mane. hahas nvm. im happy with my hair tho its just trimming and thinning. oh wells, what can i say, im easily satisfied. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

i got my pay. Its a measly 683 dollars. like what the hell, its so little. like what can i buy? and i still have to pay off my bad debts hahas :(
Salut, Bonsoir!
Je m'apelle stefanie.

french was fun and funny. cant wait to learn more french next week. yay! and the french alphabet song is hilarious.

A ah B bay C say D dey E er F ef G jay H ush I ee J gee K kar L al M em N an O oh P pay Q kew R air S ass T teh U yu V ve W doblah ve X yiks Y eegrek Z zee. Je connaismon ABC, Je sais parles en francais

and i think i need a french name. dont wanna use the french version of stefanie cos its prounced as stay-fah-ni. so im gonna get a french name like gabrielle or smth. hahas this is so fun. tara's name in french is pronounced as ta-ha. hahas k gotta go bathe.

Bonne journee! Je t'aime tara bebe!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

so i got home today, still fucking pissed with the immature pricks at work and my dad comes and tell me that one of his workers died today when one of the poles dropped on the worker's head. if im not wrong, the poor guy died instantly. i think daddy's feeling awful right now. think my dad's feeling guilty for not being careful enough to ensure his workers' safety and that the poor guy is only 25 years old. hes a bangla. its sad la, all these banglas come all the way frm bangla and then because of some accident, they die. damn sad la. daddy said the damage was so bad, the guy's face was all cracked and you could barely see his nose. oh my. sigh. poor bangla. poor daddy. life's a bitch.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

im in no mood for work. i dotn feel like going to work.. I JUST WANNA LAZE AROUND!
not in the mood to see the 3 stuck-up sluts, puffy cheeks boi and no balls boi. fuck fuck fuck.
and to top it off, my stomach hurts. i need to go to the loo.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

the results came out at 12 am instead of 6. so screwed up la. anyways, i got 3As, a distinction and 2C+s. fucked econs and internet. i studied the most for econs and this is the kinda fucked up result i get for econs. Its so not worth it. I just suck at econs la.

Hahaas and the best part was i slacked thru study week. lucky i had tara my angel to come study with me. tara, you're an angel!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

weee. im happy happy happy!
got into the same class as many as 2 handfuls of my previous class pple. yay! maybe cos we all chose the same course. hahas yay yay yay! bm0425
crap, woke up this morn with a bad dream.
Dreamt that i had gotten two h's for my exams - in my dream, it means a fail. like damn, i was sad. not because i failed but because i had to waste another half a year in that god damn sch and lets just say, it aint a good feeling.
The thought of wasting half a year of my life away in that sch is smth i pray that will never happen.
speaking of which, the results are coming out tmr at 6am. Bloody scrwed up, i say. could this be a sign? am i gonna fail my exams? hahas

Sunday, April 03, 2005

surprise surprise. i can transfer songs from my comp to my ipod without the USB 2.0 port. but fuck, all the songs i got frm sam's comp got deleted. ah, betta go transfer it over next sat.

edited two minutes later:
forgot to mention that my dad finally bought a new car, honda civic. bet he's still sad that he didnt get his toyota wish.
oh, so blogger didnt eat up my post. hahas my bad :)
fuck!! like blogger just ate up my post! i dont mean for every single post to be filled with at least one vulgarity but having blogger swallow up my post isnt exactly the thing i will be pleased about.

anyways, as i was saying, my ipod is finally working. Yay! - very summarized version of previous post

tara: yes! i got my ipod! u came back frm ya holiday yet or are u still overseas? im so jealous la!
kelly: awww. i lub chiu too!
phwooar. the ipod is finally working. went to sam's house and transferred the songs all by myself.
i dont feel like working already. can i give up? work is boring. i prefer staying at home. then again, work has its perks too. 10, yes TEN new guys came to work last weds. woo hoo. but sadly, not a single eye candy.

tara: yes! i got my ipod already! woo hoo! and are u on holiday now?!
kel: yes, kel! i lub chiu too! and don't cringe when i type kel instead of kelly. i rmb u said it feels weird being called kel hahas

Saturday, March 26, 2005

yes!! finally got me a mini ipod. its gray! the downside to it is my lousy comp has no USB 2.0 port so i can only charge my ipod but not transfer songs! ah, fuck it. i need to go find help

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

so i guess the 1st day of job was alright, not exactly wow but okay. We were 30 minutes late for work today cos we got lost.
anyways, im so happy i earned my FIRST 33 dollars - 5.50 per hour. wee, come to mama! was thinking of the things to buy with the cash on the way home. 1st on the list would be a mini ipod.
And sigh, im gonna miss church tmr cos charlene and i will be working the abnormal shift from 3-10 while ying rong and jean get to work the normal shift - 845 to 6 cos they got their basic theory test tmr. sigh.
oh, nvm. next week i get to work the normal shift. yay!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

im going for my first job tmr! so exciting. this job betta be good. hahas its some mail sorting thing at tampines from 3 to 9 pm. its abit late huh. considering i stay at yishun. oh what the hell. think of the cash, stef.
this is pissing me off so bad. this is the second time limewire has screwed up on me. oh fuck, this sucks. all my downloads are gone! my o.c.! my desperate housewives! oh screw, screw, screw. now i have to re-download everything. JUST GREAT.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

so ive finally gotten down to changing my blogskin. its still crap la.
guess i'l just have to make do with it.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

did i mention that i got a tan?
oh, the joy of going to the zoo.

Friday, March 18, 2005

weeeee. went to the zoo with charlene, tara and eric today. fun would be an understatement.

from seeing baboons in heat to tara getting coke on her shirt cos she got a shock from feeding the arapaima to seeing a male masturbating statue to the 3 of them turning a house on to charlene and her wanting to ride a pony meant for kids aged 12 and below to charlene and her constant senseless rubbish that we sometimes dont understand a word she's saying hahas

hahas its alot more dumb stuff but it was fun. the company was fun. i wanna go to the zoo again. Let's go again next week! Its funny how i never seem to get bored of the zoo.

Hahas im so gonna work in the zoo next time. im sure i can! cos i played tour guide to my 3 dearies who knew zoink about zoo animals or getting in and out safely from the zoo hahas. i am such a good tour guide. hahas :)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

sakae sushi lunch buffet. perfect. perfect way to kick start the holidays.
am so so so happy that school's finally over and done with. yay!

am not in the mood for blogging till i get something done bout the trashified state of my blog

Thursday, March 10, 2005

you know how sometimes you get too lost in thought that everything around you seems to fade to oblivion?

i hate that.
you know how sometimes you get too lost in thought that everything around you seems to fade to oblivion?

i hate that.

Friday, March 04, 2005

weee. went to watch Hitch with some of the class people today.. So sweet and romantic and funny... i like.

will smith's da man!

am feeling a bit bitter sweet now. on one hand, im jumping for joy that school is finally over and i need not see some destestable cows but on the other hand, im gonna miss my girls!! i love me girls! :( sigh.
i screwed up my blog template! its so trashified now.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

my class has a blog!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

went to watch it with tara yesterday.
keanu reeves was hot. but im still not that into him.

the plot was not bad. just a bit messy at certain parts.

the movie questions your religious belief. correction. my religious belief.

liked the part about the half breeds... am i a half breed? hahas

guess i have been rather detached from the faith.
so what if i serve mass? doesnt make me any much holier.

oh and hell is such a scary place. can i not go to hell? can i? can i?

my thoughts are all messed up. oh, screw.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

's been about two weeks since i last updated.

am gonna go cut my hair this sunday. should i just trim it? or change a new hairstyle?
then again, if i cut my hair short, i bet i'd look like shit.

Oh and vince's cleopatra play is this sun, i pray its good.

Give me something to spice up my life.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

this sucks. CNY is over.
3 more weeks of projects and icas is enough to kill me.

i hate it when the hols are over. which is why, im ponning sch tmr :)

there's steamboat on sat. but im sick of steamboat already.
should i go?
should i not go?
should i go?
can i not go?

im suffering from post holiday blues.

i hate it when the hols are so short.

Friday, January 21, 2005

dancer boy is just too cute for words.

seeing him two times is too little.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

doing stats project at the lab now. can i just say that its boring with a capital B. another 1 hr and 20 mins to managment lesson then i can go home! yay! going home is such a joy now.

which reminds me, its been a long time since ive been to the theatres to watch a movie. i should go watch a movie soon.

could somebody be so kind as to treat me to a movie? i would be eternally grateful.. NOT. hahas

Sunday, January 16, 2005

just rmb-ed i lector-ed today. 745am mass, 1st reading.
madness i tell you.
just before i could go up to the rostrum to read then i knew they already had this BOOK there for me to read from.
omg, i just freaked out la.
mummy said i sounded nervous. Like DUH, i wasnt prepared!
oh wtf, what's done is done.

random entry.

studying stats is such a pain. correxion. studying is such a pain.

i cant wait for the holidays. :)

Friday, January 14, 2005

im in school now. am NOT supposed to be in school. but being the nice and saint-ly person that i am, i decided to stay in school and accompany anthony, charlene, tara and ying rong while they do their internet stuff.

While i, on the other hand, slack while they are hard at work hahas k.. gtg see ying rong's webbay so i can rip some html off her webbay hahas

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Giant Faith - em`s church musical at nygh.
i guess Giant Faith could be betta if the sound system wasn't that bad.
The musical was funny. corny, lamely funny. hahas
and i must say... wow. NYG is nice. The auditorium... wow.

Too bad em couldnt join us at newton for supper.
118 dollars spent at newton circus on:
stingray, tiger prawns, fried rice, kangkong, chicken wings, squid and many cups of sugarcane with lemon. totally worth the 118 dollars. all thanks to vinnie's mum who paid for everything.

sighh. my dieting efforts are going down the drain... FAST.

sighh. school sucks. projects and tests sucks.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

PASSIONATE LOVER. You love to love, always looking
for a relationship. You cannot live without it.
Your lover must be passionate and you want
that you and your partner melt into each other.
He/She should not try to take the domination .
You dont want a relationship without passion,
and the sexuality plays a big part. The first
moment you meet him/her is one of the most
important. There has to be something between
you , you cannot explain. From the first moment
on everything must fix. But when this passion
disappears you disappear to. For you it is
better to leave than to see your love
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~

i dont get it. Some humans can be just so evil.

While the rest of the world is trying to help the tsunami victims, there are these bastards who go around making the tsunami situation worse by raping the young children, selling the young children or even to the extent of killing these children for their organs.

Lord, save their souls for these bastards dont deserve to live.
im sick of my blogskin. its about time for a new one.

exactly 2 months since i last posted an entry. hows that for a record hahas

me dad got a promotion. yay! lets just pray that there's a pay rise too :)
and sigh, 3 ICAS next week. killerjoy.
bigger sigh, lotsa projects too. :(

cant wait for em`s chuch musical this sat at nygh. i miss em and kel :(