Tuesday, January 20, 2009

while browsing through the pictures in my computer..

i realise i have albums after albums of my friends and small face but it is so hard to even find more than 2 family albums for each year. a point to note: i arrange my albums into years then months and each individual outing in one album each. Plus, i have all these albums dating from 2005. (GEEK!)

i was actually searching hard for decent family pictures or a decent pictures of my parents to send to my aunty so she could compile the tan family tree. but little did i know that i had actually so few pictures of them and with them. can you imagine these were the only few decent pictures i could find?!

it is quite sad actually, because they are my family - the most important people in my life and yet sighh. I suppose people i tend to take them for granted. even for my 21st birthday, i only had 2 family pictures! and i didn't even take a single picture with my mum and dad alone. sigh, i feel so bad now.

even finding pictures of me and pet were quite a toughie, there were too few nice pictures to choose from the very little number of pictures taken. and that makes me even sadder cos pet has, honestly, been the best sister ever - she listens to me, does what i say, buy me food when i'm hungry and never once dared to complain. sighh =((

i was just wondering.. isn't it ironic that when you were younger, about 75% of your pictures always had nice happy pictures of you, your parents and siblings but as you get older, pictures of your family tends to get lesser and you start having more and more albums of your friends and other half instead. I'm not saying that its wrong to have many albums of your friends/bf/gf. it's great, really. but i'm just saying we i should start taking more pictures with my family, for memories and what not - to treasure them as much as we can.

so if you're reading this post, maybe you can flip through your albums and see if you are satisfied with the number of pictures you have with your family. if you're not, maybe it is time we you do something about it.

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