Sunday, March 23, 2008

the BOYS i know.

1. Never grow up

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thats why they say you can take the man out of the boy but you'll never take the boy out of the man. thats aroon and bernard (picture right), both above 20 and still playing like five year old kids.

2. Like to think they are strong.


3. Have adorable brother(s)/nephew(s)/niece(s).

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from left to right: vincent's brother - daryl, kok's nephew - leroy & kok's niece - leanne.

4. Take retarded pictures.. like this.


5. Have pretty girlfriends *tweet tweet (that's me attempting to whistle by the way).


6. Don't know how to celebrate birthdays.

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kok got me to send out the invites instead of doing it himself. he even forgot about the camera. luckily i was there to save the day (pictures) else he would have no memories of his 21st. tsk tsk.

7. Have pretty awesome female friends (:

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8. and to prove just how awesome we are/i am (haha!), they send lovely smses to thank us

koksiong: Hey stef, thanks for everything. you've really been so nice to me. i'm lucky to have you as my sister. troubled you. loves.


9. teach you how to wash and wax your car.


4 hours of washing, shampooing, claying, waxing and buffing your car is no joke. but darling darren not only taught me how to do all that, he even provided the sponges, cloth and car washing equipment. i think i can open my own carwash service already ahas

10. and last but certainly not the least, how many 20 year olds boy you know know how to bake!


ta da! oh my god. tiramisu with hershey's spread all over.


our lovely chefs.. who secretly baked for us while we were watching stardust. and to think that we (gladys, kel and i) thought they had left to watch porn. and mind you, they were baking at 12 am in the morning. madness. such nice guys where to find!


a little thank you:

i am very grateful to be blessed with such great friends, both boys and girls. you all are the friends i love and treasure. i don't think i can find a group thats better. its been five years since we've graduated but i'm proud to say we are still a pretty tight bunch (:

lets meet up more! i can't get enough of you all (:        




Humaayrah said...

Ahh! Looks so nice, next time I wanna come along can?? (shameless)

Kk, toodles babe =)

s t e f a n i e said...

hahas can can! (:
i miss yoo tooo!